Red Barons Webseiten
Ulmann's Razor: When stupidity is a sufficient explanation, there is no need to have recourse to any other. Ulme’s Rule: Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. Underlying Principle of Socio-Genetics: Superiority is recessive. Universal Equine Equation: At any particular time, there are more horses' asses in the world than horses. Universal Law for Naive Engineers:
The most vital dimension on any plan or drawing
Universal Law of the Auto Loan: As soon as you finish paying off your car, you will need a new one. Universal Rule of Committeeship: An original idea can never emerge from committee in its original form. Urbach's Law: Consistency is always easier to defend than correctness. Utvich's Law: One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions. Vail's Axiom: In any human enterprise, work seeks the lowest hierarchal level. Valery's
Law: History is the science of what never happens twice. Valery's Law: History is the science of what never happens twice. Van Herpen's Law: The solving of a problem lies in finding the solvers. Van Gogh's Law: Whatever plan you make, there is a hidden difficulty somewhere. Van Roy's Laws: 1. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other
toys. Veale’s Baseball Rule: Good pitching
will beat good hitting anytime, and vice versa. Venter’s First Law: Discoveries made in
the field by someone from another discipline will always be upsetting ver der Byl’s Law: It is better to get nowhere fast than to get nowhere slowly. Veronica's Rule: The least desirable man in the room is the one who hits on you first. Vesilind's Laws of Experimentation: 1. If reproducibility may be a
problem, conduct the test only once. Vidal's advice: Never have children, only grandchildren. Vile's Law for Educators: No one is listening until you make a
mistake. Vique's Law: A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle. Voltaire's
Charity Principle: The one who leaves money to charity in his will is
only giving away what no longer belongs to him. Von Braun's Advice: I have learned to use the word
"impossible" with the greatest caution. Von Neumann's Axiom: There's no sense in being precise when you don't
know what you are talking about. W. C. Field's
Maxim: Start off every day with a smile and get it over with. W. S. Gilbert’s Decree: Man is Nature’s sole mistake. Wagner's Law of Sports Coverage: When the camera isolates on a male athlete, he will spit, pick or scratch. Walder's Observation: A mathematician is one who is willing to assume everything except responsibility. Waldrop's Principle: The person not here is the one working on the problem. Walker's Law: Urgency varies inversely with value. Waldrop’s Principle: The person not here is the one working on the problem. Wallace's Observation: Everything is in a state of utter dishevelment. Wallace Wood's Rule of Drawing: 1. Never draw up what you can copy. Walter’s Law: Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles. Walton's Law of Politics: A fool and his money are soon elected. Wandstadt's Airline Baggage Principle: Carry-on luggage is always two
inches larger Warner's First Law of Talent: Just because you can do it doesn't mean you can do it for a living. Warren's Rule: To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most. Washlesky's Law: Anything is easier to take apart than to put together. Watson's Law: The reliability of machinery is inversely proportional to the number and significance of any people watching it. Wayne's Law: Nobody notices big errors. Weatherwax's Postulate: The degree to which you overreact to information will be in inverse proportion to its accuracy. Weaver's Law: When several reporters share a cab on an assignment, the
reporter in the front seat pays for all. Weber's
Definition: An expert is one who knows more and more about less
and less Webster’s Insurance Law: Damage rarely exceeds the deductible. Weiler's Law: Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. Weinberg's Corollary: An expert is a person who avoids the small
errors while sweeping on the grand fallacy. Weiner's Law of Libraries: There are no answers, only cross-references. Weller' Rule for Bureaucratic Funding: Never admit that you activity has sufficient staff, space, or budget. Wellington's Law of Command: The cream rises to the top. So does the scum. Welwood's Axiom: Disorder expands proportionately to the tolerance for it. Wendell's Warning: Just because it's easy doesn't mean it won't be done wrong. West’s Observation: To err is human, but if feels divine. Westheimer's
Discovery: A couple of months in a laboratory can
frequently save a couple of hours in the library. Wethern's Law of Suspended Judgment: Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups. Wexford's Law: In a two-car family, the wife always has the smaller car.
Whistler's Law: You never know who's right, but you always know who's in
charge. White's Chappaquidick Theorem: The sooner and in more detail you announce
the bad news, the better. Whitehead's
Lemma: Civilization advances by extending the
number of important operations that we can perform Whithorn’s Rule: Never talk about money with people who have much more or much less than you. Whitney's Rule of School Districts: Good students move away. New students come from schools that do not teach anything. Whittington's First Law of Communication: When a writer prepares a
manuscript on a subject he does not understand, Whittons's Law of the Sexes:
Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to
be half as good. Wicker's Law: Government expands to absorb revenue and then some. Wilde
on Advice: The only thing to do with good advice
is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself. Wilkie's Law: A good slogan can stop analysis for fifty years. William James’s Rule: A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices. William's Query: If a husband speaks deep in the forest and his wife isn't there to hear him, is he still wrong? Williams and Holland's Law: If enough data is collected, anything may be proven by statistical methods. Willoughby's Law: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will. Wilson's
Law: A person's rank is inverse relation to the
speed of his speech. Winchell’s Rule: Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves nothing unsaid. Wincorn's Law: There are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't. Winfield's Dictum of Direction-Giving: The likelihood of getting lost is
directly proportional to the number of times Winger's Rule: If it sits on your desk for 15 minutes, you've just become the expert. Wingfield's Axiom: Accuracy is the sum total of your compensating mistakes. Wingo's Axiom: All Finagle Laws may be bypassed by learning the simple art of doing without thinking. Wise Fan's Lament: Fools rush in - and get the best seats. Witten's Law: Whenever you cut your fingernails you will find a need for them an hour later. Witzling's Laws of Progeny Performance: 1. Any child who chatters
non-stop at home will adamantly refuse Wolf's Law:
Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows Wolinski's Law: Teamwork is wasting half of one's time explaining to others why they are wrong. Wolter's Law: If you have the time you won't have the money. If you have the money, you won't have the time. Wooden's Rule: Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do Woodington's Law of Gifts: The toy with the most potential for driving you crazy will become your child's favorite. Woodside's Grocery Principle: The bag that breaks is the one with the eggs. Worker's Dilemma: 1. No matter how much you do, you'll never do
enough. Wright's First Law of Quality: Quality is inversely proportional to
the time left for completion of the project. Wynne's Law: Negative slack tends to increase. Wyszowski's Laws: 1. No experiment is reproducible. Yasenek's Observation: Kissing is a means of getting two people so close
together Yeager's Law: Washing machines break down only during the wash cycle.
Law: The probability of winning the lottery
is slightly greater if you buy a ticket. Yogi Berra's Advice: When you come to a fork in the road, take it. Young's Comment on Scientific Methods: You can't get here from there.
Yount's Laws of Mail Ordering: 1. The most important item in an order
will no longer be available. Yuri's Rule: Tell the truth and run. Zaha's Law of Topology: The shortest distance between two points is a downward spiral. Zadra's Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach. Zappa's Law: There are two things on earth that are universal: hydrogen et stupidity. Zeilinger’s Fundamental Law: There is no Fundamental Law. Zelman's Dilemma: By the time you have it figured out, they change
it. Ziarko's Enigma: Paint applied according to the manufacture's instructions lasts three months. A drop on your shoe lasts forever. Ziggy's Law: Do a little more each day than everyone expects and soon everyone will expect more. Zymurgy's First Law of Evolving Systems Dynamics: Once you open a can
of worms,
This page was last updated on 03 August, 2018