Red Barons Webseiten
Quantization Revision of Murphy's Law: Everything goes wrong all at once. Quigley's Law: A car and a truck approaching each other on an otherwise deserted road will meet at the narrow bridge. Quile's Consultation Law: The job that pays the most will be offered when there is no time to deliver the services. Quinn's Market Theory: An unexpected loss will cancel out an unexpected gain. R. A. Wilson's Rule: Reality is whatever you can get away with. R. C. Gallagher's Law: Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. Ralph's Observation: It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to realize that you are in a hurry. Randall's Law of Automotives: The flat doesn't occur until the day after the tire sale. Randy's Rule: A ton of anything is ugly. Rankin's Rule: You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake. Rap's Law of Inanimate Reproduction: If
you take something apart and put it back together enough times, Raphael's Law of Business: The less the staff has to do, the slower they do it. Rayburn's Rule: If you want to get along, go along. Ray's Rule for Precision: Measure with a micrometer. Mark with chalk. Cut with an axe. Reasner's Law of the Internet:
The probability of your browser locking up is directly
proportional to how close you are Reece's Second Law: The speed of an oncoming vehicle is directly proportional to the length of the passing zone. Rector's Law of the E-Mail: Typos are not noticed until after the "Send" button has been hit. Reichart's Internet Law: The button you want to press is the last one that loads. Reinhardt's Guide to Art: Sculpture is what you bump into when you back up to look at a painting.. R. C. Gallagher's Law: Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. Reisner' Rule of Conceptual Inertia: If you think big enough, you'll never have to do it. Relativity for Children: Time moves slower in a fast moving vehicle. Rennie's Law of Public Transit: If you start walking, the bus will come when you are precisely halfway between stops. Reverend Chichester's Laws: 1. If the weather is extremely bad,
church attendance will be down. Reynolds's Law: Wind velocity increases geometrically with the cost of
the hairstyle. Richard's Complementary Rules of Ownership: 1. If you keep anything
long enough you can throw it away. Rick's Rule of Dorm Live: The roommate who gets up earliest has the loudest alarm clock. Ringwald's Law of Household Geometry: Any horizontal surface is soon piled up. Rita Mae Brown's Observation: If this were a logical word, men would ride sidesaddle. Rita's
Parking Meter Prediction:
The one time you dash in to run an errand without putting
money in the parking meter Rives's Rule: Everything falls apart on the same day. Robbie's Philosophy: The world looks better through a rearview mirror. Robbin's Mini-Max Rule of Government: Any minimum
criteria set will be the maximum value used. Robert Anthony's Corporate Dictum: The criteria for determining the value
of a committee, Robert's
Axiom: Only errors exist. Berman's
Corollary: One person's error is another person's data. Robertson's
Law: Quality assurance doesn't. Robinson's Law: The guy you beat out of a prime parking spot is the one you have to see for the job interview. Rob's
Air Travel Principle:
Distance to the gate increases with the decreasing
time to departure. Roche's Fifth Law: Every American crusade winds up as a racket. Rocky's Lemma of Innovation Prevention: Unless the results are known in advance, funding agencies will reject the proposal. Rogers's Laws: 1. As soon as the stewardess serves the coffee, the
airliner encounters turbulence. Rules: 1. Authorization for a project will be granted only when none of
the authorizers can be blamed Roland's Rule of Review Meetings: Regardless of how many statistics and
revisions you bring into a meeting, Rominger's Rules for Students: 1. The more general the title of a
course, the less you will learn from it.
Ron's Observations for Teenagers: 1. The pimples don't appear until
the hour before the date. Rooney's Rule: Nothing in fine print is ever good news. Roosevelt's Rule: When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Ross' Law: Never characterize the importance of a statement in advance. Rostand's Comment: My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of other pessimists. Rosten's Observation: Two heads are not better than one if both are stupid. Rothman's Rule: When things go wrong, don't go with them. Rowland's Paradox: A good woman is known by what she does; a good man by what he doesn't. Ruane's
Law of Monetary Windfalls: Pennies from heaven are
soon followed by a tax collector from hell. Ruby's Principle of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone
you know increases Ruckert's Law: There is nothing so small that it can't be blown out of proportion. Rudin's Law: In crises that force people to choose among alternative
courses of action, Rudnicki's Nobel Principle: Only someone who understands something
absolutely can explain it so no one else can understand it. Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer. Rule of Defactualization: Information deteriorates upward through bureaucracies. Rule of Feline Frustration: When your cat has fallen asleep on your lap
and looks utterly content and adorable, Rule of Intelligent Tinkering: Safe all the parts. Rule of Political Promises: Truth varies. Rule of Professional Practice: Once a client is a pain in the neck, that client will always be a pain in the neck. Rule of the Great:
When people you greatly admire and respect appear to be
thinking deep thoughts, Rule of the Open Mind: People who are resistant to change cannot resist change for the worst. Rules of Environmental Protection: 1. The species is protected
only after it is hopelessly depleted.
Rules of Ownership: 1. If you keep anything long enough, you can throw it
away. Runamok's Law: There are four kinds of people: those who sit quietly and
do nothing, Rune's Rule of the Road: If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost. Runyon’s Law: Life is six to five against. Rush's Rule of Gravity: When you drop change at a vending machine,
Rusk's Law of Delegation: Where an exaggerated emphasis is placed upon
delegation, Russel on Patriotism: Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. Russell's
Observation: The point of philosophy is to start
with something so simple as to seem not worth stating, Russ's Law of Assembly: The thing that holds the whole thing together will be missing. Ryan's
Law: Make three correct guesses consecutively and
you will establish yourself as an expert.
This page was last updated on 03 August, 2018